About Us
Laura Golda boutique + waistbeads is a Ghanaian online waistbeads and beads store based in Atlanta. Laura Golda boutique waistbeads are made by a virtuous woman called Laura Golda and her team. Laura Golda boutique + waistbeads was founded out of love, passion and knowledge about waistbeads. Our intention is to create beauties and educate women across the globe about waist beads and it’s spiritual awareness. LG waistbeads are for all women across the globe, doesn’t matter your culture or color for everyone woman is bold and beautiful.
LG and her team works with our local mothers and sisters to get the best of raw materials to make unique designs. Any purchase you make from LG is you helping to improve the life of our old mothers and our sisters.
LG waistbeads! #accessorizethe🍑 and #embraceconfidence